On March 8th was held competition for woman (Journalist,Media) – organizers MIA Service Agency and Rustavi International Motorpark. First step of competition was held on MIA Service Agency territory, where participants passed practical test for driving license. On competition attended Deputy Minister of Internal Affairs , Service Agency Director and the European automobile champion . The faster participant was Eko Pangani, presenter “Day Show” , “Imedi channel”. Next stage was amateur Pair Racing. First place took Manika Asatiani , 2nd place Maia Bichikashvili and 3rd place Nino Khazhomia.
Winners got fuel from “Wissol” – traditional partner of Women’s Day , also prizes from “Lutecia”and “Prime Aesthetic”.
The winners were driven with the Porsche sport car by “Porsche Club” on Rustavi International Motorpark.
Thank you participants for this beautiful day !